
Benadryl (Diphenhydramine)

For relief of nighttime cough and nasal congestion.

Poison Control Center can be reached at 1-800-222-1222

Since this is the only OTC medication that we recommend, we thought we should have the dosing here. Remember this is plain diphenhydramine (click here for sample pictures) not  Benadryl Sinus or Benadryl whatever. As long diphenhydramine (it's sometimes written as diphenhydramine hydrochloride) is the only active ingredient, any version of it, including the store generic brands, is fine.

Weight Dosage Dosage Dosage
Pounds 12.5 mg/5ccliquid 25 mg capsules 12.5 mg tablets
20-24 3/4 tsp - -
25-37 1 tsp - 1 chewable tablet
38-49 1 1/2 tsp - 1 1/2 chewable tablet
50-65 2 tsp 1 capsule 2 chewable tablets
70-75 2 1/2 tsp 1 capsule 2 /12 chewable tablets
80-90 3 tsp 1 capsule 3 chewable tablets
100 pounds and over 4 tsp 2 capsules 4 chewable tablets