
Children's Tylenol (acetaminophen)       

Children's Tylenol can be given via children's suspension, children's soft-chewable tablets, or junior strength tablets/caplets.  

Poison Control Center can be reached at 1-800-222-1222


Children's Suspension Liquid and Elixir 160mg/5ml Dose: Teaspoon
If there is a discrepency between the dosage for your child's age and your child's weight,
use the dose appropriate for your child's weight.

Weight Age Dosage
Pounds Kilograms Years  
12-17   4-11 months 1/2 tsp
18-23 8.0-10.9 12-23 months 3/4 tsp
24-35 11-15.9 2-3 1 tsp
36-47 16-21.9 4-5 1 1/2 tsp
48-59 22-26.9 6-8 2 tsp
60-71 27-31.9 9-10 2 1/2 tsp
72-95 32-43.9 11 3 tsp

Children's Soft Chews Chewable Tablets   80 mg Dose: Tablet 
If there is a discrepancy between the dosage for your child's age and your child's weight,
use the dose appropriate for your child's weight.

Weight Age Dosage
Pounds Kilograms Years  
24-35 11-15.9 2-3 2 tablets
36-47 16-21.9 4-5 3 tablets
48-59 22-26.9 6-8 4 tablets
60-71 27-31.9 9-10 5 tablets
72-95 32-43.9 11 6 tablets

Junior Strength Chewable Tablets/Caplets   160 mg Dose: Tablet
If there is a discrepancy between the dosage for your child's age and your child's weight,
use the dose appropriate for your child's weight.

Weight Age Dosage
Pounds Kilograms Years  
48-59 22-26.9 6-8 2 tablets/caplets
60-71 27-31.9 9-10 2 1/2 tablets/caplets
72-95 32-43.9 11 3 tablets/caplets
Greater than 95 Greater than 44 12 4 tablets/caples