Helping Your Supply
Another reason is oxytocin. Oxytocin is the love hormone” because it is released
under many circumstances, such as orgasm, childbirth and breastfeeding. It is
responsible for your milk ejection reflex (your “let down) because it stimulates
the small muscles surrounding the milk-producing alveoli to contract and
therefore release milk. It is a hormone that is exquisitely sensitive to stress.
So, if you have returned to work, are having school –related stress, are having
issues at home or are just plain stressed for any reason, oxytocin does not work
well. It makes sense: if you are having a baby in front of a tiger (yes, a
tiger, again), you wouldn’t want the hormone that helps with childbirth working
so that you can give birth in front of a predator. Nor would you want to
breastfeed in front of one. Tigers come in many forms. Rid yourself of yours,
and your production increases.
If you are pumping at work, you need a relaxing environment. Some people suggest
looking at pictures of your baby. That just made me feel guilty. I shopped for
shoes and am quite happy to share my favorite sites with those that feel their
oxytocin levels would increase with that activity. What you can’t do is pump
under stress. I have pumping rules.
Plus, you make more milk than you need in the early weeks, and then you and the baby get your rhythm and your supply (ideally, some keep making lots of milk) regulates to meet the baby’s needs. As your supply regulates, many women, who had a freezer full of milk at 2 months, are dipping into the stored supply at 4 months, especially if we have return to work. Everybody gets nervous when that happens, but we do expect, with growth, the baby will need more milk. That doesn’t mean we like thawing stored milk-- I saw every thawed frozen bag as a sign of failure. Really-- thank goodness I married a psychiatrist.
We are really in a race to 6 months.
At 6 months, your baby can have foods and up to about 4 ounces of water.
That means whoever is watching the baby has new options and the pressure to
produce and produce will decrease. I have taken care of some wonderful women who
may not have had enough milk to exclusively feed a 3 month old, but have more
than enough for a 6 month old (and beyond) because
we have these other options.
to take care of yourself: drink until your thirst is quenched but not more than
that: too much water decreases supply. Sleep when you can, have a messy
house, and be gentle with yourself. This isn’t easy and while we are making
strides towards accommodations in the workplace, we have so much more to do. Do
the best you can and make it to 6 months. I, for one, am in awe of the efforts
that the women I meet have given to make breastfeeding work.
There are herbal supplements, but the literature is scant and does not support
that these work. I would guess that they do, but not for the population in
general. There may be special subgroups who respond. There is likely a large
placebo effect as well, meaning that just taking something helps your supply.
So, if you think it’ll work, it might work. Oxytocin just wants
happiness. Who am I to crush the
happiness of a placebo effect?
Since the mammary gland is a part of the endocrine system there are many hormone
changes that may affect milk production. Before you start these, a visit with a
lactation expert is important because we many have a much easier solution, or a
solution that impacts your health, like insulin resistance, obesity,
hypertension, anxiety, depression, thyroid illness and medication side effects
that we need to treat differently than these supplements. The longer you delay
asking for help, the more impact on your supply. Please ask for help. There are
an army of people out there waiting to help you.
You will see that the
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s Protocol on Galactologues focuses on
maternal and baby factors, the latch and other non-pharmacologic ways of
increasing milk supply. I am
including some of the rememdies I get asked about frequently, but I hardly ever
use these. I want to focus on maternal health and well-being and any problems
the baby might be having.
This is a non-prescription herbal supplement that increases milk supply by
decreasing an inhibitor (follow that?) of prolactin. It may also decrease blood
sugar. Fenugreek can make you smell like maple syrup and can upset your
stomach. The starting dosage is 1 or 2 600-625 mg capsules every day for a few
days. If you have no stomach upset, then bump up the dose to 3
capsules three to four times a day. In my experience, Fenugreek
helps those mothers who have insulin resistance issues more than other mothers.
Goat’s Rue:
may help those with insufficient glandular tissue.
are good for you. Take care of yourself and your oxytocin rises. I know of no
other mechanism by which this works.
Mother’s milk tea:
You need to drink a lot of this to help your supply.
This is an excellent summary of the history of beer as a way to increase
milk supply. Short story: yes, it may help increase supply but it has to be
Guinness. It’s a double-edged sword though as alcohol can decrease oxytocin.
This isn’t in my professional list of ways to increase supply, but I am
including it here because I get a lot of questions about it.
This one, in my experience, works well, especially if you are already making
milk; for women who have had issues establishing a supply, I have not has as
much success. You need a prescription to obtain it in the US and it is getting
harder and harder to obtain in the US due to regulations on compounding
pharmacies. In fact, I currently do not have a way to prescribe Domperidone in
Wisconsin. I continue to think that it
is a much safer and more useful medication than its cousin, Reglan (below),
which is sometimes offered as an alternative.
This is only available by prescription. The usual dose is 10 mg 3-4 times a day
and it needs about 7-10 days or so to kick in. Domperidone is not currently
covered by insurance. I cannot write for prescriptions to be filled overseas. At
this point, I am out of luck prescribing this.
Reglan (metaclopromide) Reglan
is a cousin of Domperidone and has a similar mechanism of action. They are both
primarily used to help with gastric motility and reflux and their ability to
increase prolactin is a side effect. Increasing Prolactin increases milk supply.
Reglan is covered by insurance, but the side effect are many, including
depression, fatigue and dystonic reactions, all because Reglan crosses into the
brain. Domperidone does not, which is why I hope we get the legalities with the
medication taken care of soon.
Bottom line: the causes of low supply are plentiful and you should talk to a
lactation specialist to create a plan that will work for you.
Updated Feb, 2016
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