Most parents will tell you about that "What do we do now?" feeling when
they bring a first-born child home. The feeling of suddenly being a parent can
be overwhelming, especially so if your baby is sick.
On this page, I've
included some common topics dealing with infants.
Postpartum depression and resources for new moms
Creating a safe sleep environment. SIDS prevention recommendations.
Is your baby sleeping through the night yet?
Should we be using a pacifier?
Early signs of developmental disorders including autism
Vitamin D supplementation
Spitting Up, reflux and Formula Changes
When should I use juice?
Does my baby need water?
Can I spoil my baby?
Should I let my baby cry it out?
baby breasts
The medication page has dosing information on acetaminophen (Tylenol®) and ibuprofen (Advil® and Motrin®)
Blocked Tear Ducts in infants.
Normal newborn stuff, sneezing, hiccups and dry skin
The risky business of formula feeding
Can I use gas drops?
Remember the rules for treating a sick child change when you are dealing with an infant. If you have any questions on your infant's development or health, call us at 414.423.5250.